Chainlink fencing and welded mesh rolls are well proven, popular, versatile and easy to erect fence systems. Chainlink fencing can be erected on timber, steel or concrete posts, with heights varying from 900mm to 3.6m.
It is available in galvanised and coated finishes and there are a number of different wire thicknesses according to the specific need/application of the fence.
Extra Safe Fencing
Chainlink fencing and Weld Mesh fences are suitable for a wide variety of fencing applications from simple boundary demarcation as detailed in BS1722 – 1 through to permanent fencing as detailed in BS1722 – 10.
They offer a smart and attractive appearance and provide a high degree of visibility. Gates are available in both single and double leaf configuration to meet all requirements.
Options are also available which are manufactured from high-tensile steel wire with over twice the strength of traditional chain link fencing. This type of system has a unique green coating giving the fence a longer lifespan.
Want to know more?
Warefence is a leading fencing company and specialises in all types of commercial and industrial fencing solutions. If you are looking for more information or would like to discuss a site visit, then why not start your enquiry today?